Promoting Your Liquidation Auction

One of the most financially beneficial aspects of a liquidation can be an auction. The potential to make a profit from a liquidation auction can often outweigh a simple bulk sale. However, holding a successful auction depends on multiple different facets that a quality liquidation company can foresee and handle from years of experience. One of the main driving factors of running a profitable liquidation auction is the promotion of the event itself.

Here are a few tips for successfully promoting your next auction.

  1. Go old school – Paper may seem like a dated concept but it’s still a great way to get the word out. Take out an ad in local news papers and small business magazines. Print out fliers and hang them in local businesses and extend a special invitation to their owners.
  2. shutterstock_164580812Keep records – If you’ve had an auction before make sure to get the contact information of those who attended and call them or send them all special invitations to your next auction.
  3. Get online – Send out email blasts to your entire contact list letting people know about the auction. Also, keep the company website updated with the most recent auction information.
  4. Be charitable – Consider making a donation to a local charity from part of the auction profits. Not only will you be doing good for your community, but the charity may be inclined to advertise the auction as well.
  5. Gavel SoldThink big – If the city in which the auction is being held has an official web page, contact the website manager and ask to have the auction featured on the city’s events page.
  6. Network – Make a habit of going to different networking events in your community. The potential to meet individuals or business owners who would be interested in purchasing liquidated goods at auction is well worth the price of admission.

Without careful and targeted promotion, the potential of a liquidation auction can be wasted. By proactively promoting and actively networking, your next auction is sure to be a profitable event.

For information on services offered by Ideal Trading like, liquidation, appraisals, auctioning, excess inventory, and estate sales, please visit our website here.