Charitable Ways For Your Business To Give Back

As a small business owner you understand that much of your success comes from support you receive from your community. Whether that means regulars spreading the word or neighboring businesses referring customers, a tight-knit community is one of the cornerstones of small business success. In order to keep this sense of local camaraderie, it’s important to show your thanks by giving back.

Business owners have found creative ways to make charitable giving work for their business and their local community. Here are just a few!

  1. Choose a worthy cause – Do your research and find a charity that you personally can get behind. If the charity happens to be a small local chapter that’s part of your community, even better! Not only are you helping a great cause, but you’re directly impacting your community in a positive way.
  2. Involve your customers – Let your customers know that you encourage them to make donations to the same charity and that you will match their donations shutterstock_248810284up to a certain amount. Customers will be thrilled to help and you’ll be able to double your impact.
  3. Donate time/service – If you’d rather put your money where your mouth is, having days where you and your employees go to donate your time to a local charity is a great alternative to a monetary donation. Donating your businesses product or specific service is also a great way to show potential customers what you and your business have to offer.
  4. Product or service specials – If customers know that a portion of what they’re paying for your product or service is going to a charity, they’ll be more likely to shop with you now and in the future. Customer’s like to feel good about where they’re shopping so make them feel good about shopping with you!

A community is a reflection of the people and businesses that make up that community. Make sure you do your part to represent it in a positive and charitable way that works to benefit your business.

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